PAT Analysis

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PAT Analysis

The Poverty Assessment Tool This social tool is materialized into a form taking into account criterias such as the number of persons living under the same roof, the level of education, the income security, the assets, the health conditions, etc. The data collected by this tool allow the classification of partners within different levels of poverty:

  1. Level 1 families are the poorest and Level 7families are comparatively richer.
  2. Level 1 to level 3families are considered as below the poverty line. These families are STEP’s target.

Most of the time, when a partner receives several loans, her family’s living conditions are getting closer or above the BPL.This potentially shows the impact of our services amongst our partners.

STEP’s impact on the partner’s poverty level Thanks to this poverty assessment tool, STEP is able to know the poverty level of each partner and to maintain a regular follow up. The analysis of the PAT shows that there is a positive correlation between both health security scores and level of education with the number of loans received by STEP’s partners.

  1. Health security is measured in terms of capacity to access dairy products, level of fruits consumption, access to health insurance, and presence of a chronic patient in the family. Even though the health security level is very limited for all of our partners, there is a relatively big difference between the partners at the 1st loan cycle and the ones in the 8th loan cycle.
  2. Level of education is measured according to the number of children between 3 and 14 years old going to school and the highest education level of the family members. The education level of our partners improves with the number of loans and the socio-economical services they receive

Report as on 30th APR 2022

Number Of Branches

Active Borrowers

Portfolio Outstanding ( Cr )

Repayment Rate

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